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The Story Behind the Tool

My name is Greg Biscardi and I have worked in construction for 43 years. I was working on a job site one day doing landscaping work fixing sprinklers and I had to go back and forth numerous times to my tool bad and tool boxes to find the right tools to do the job. I became frustrated because I lost at least over an hour on this job trying to find the right tools. A job that should have only taken two hours became three, and as we all know, time is money.

I went home and started thinking how to fix this problem and BAM, the idea of the PVC 5-in-1 Cutting Tool began. I personally made 4 or 5 prototypes and tested each one of them in the field. As a result, what you see now is this particular working model in hand for consumer use.

It has taken me over a year from filling work for a patent, multiple cad design drawings, two phases of prototypes made by Tarlow Designs, to a working usable product which is being manufactured by Earmark Sourcing and my first run is one thousand units due at the end of August. I am the sole owner and inventor of the PVC 5-in-1 Cutting Tool. Most of the money for research and design I made and used to establish my company. I have invested over $90K into the PVC 5-in-1 Cutting Tool.

A pair of blue and white plastic scissors with a red, white and blue design.